I'm planning a backpacking trip to Kings peak the second week of July. We'll be heading up from the north side through the Henry's fork drainage. I've been looking at maps and talking to people, but I still can't figure out which lakes have fish and which don't. My family has had a ton of luck at Lake Blanchard, and they've caught some monster cuts in Cliff Lake, but I havn't heard anything about the other lakes in the area. Dollar, Bear, Sawmill, Henry's Fork, Grass... I have little info about the fishing here. Any info anyone is willing to share would be great.
we used to go up there every year. just below kings peak in the 5 point area.
My dad grew up in that partof the world and used to maintain them trails.
theres tons of fish in the 5point lake but not much for size because of the altitude.
I'll bet theres alot of snow still up there and alot of places aren't accessable.
from the swift creek station its 15miles in to 5point and theres alot of lakes on the way up there. if you go through swaseys hole area you can pretty much fish anywhere along the yellowstone river.
good luck DZ
DWR has a series of booklets on the Uintahs. Get the ones for the drainages that you are interested in and it lists all the lakes, depths, sizes, how often planted, etc. Very good information.
I've never caught many over in the Dollar and Henry Fork area but have day hiked over Gunsight Pass into Painter Basin then over Anderson Pass to Atwood and Allred lakes and done really well for some good sized Uinta brookies.
Its been a couple years ago since we went up to that area. It seems like grassy lake was barren. I don't remember if we even fished it because it was so shallow. I didn't do really well in the lakes.. a couple small fish. The streams we're awesome though. We caught lots of cutthroat with beautiful red bellies. None were very big but they were some of the prettiest fish I've caught. Good luck. Chicken.
Some of those lakes winterkill if the winter is particularly harsh. You won't really know till you get up there probably.
I sure hope you can even get up that high by the second week in July. Be prepared to navigate some snow banks if you go over Anderson pass or anywhere else up there over 10000 feet. Most years it's clear by the 2nd week in July, but this year who knows.
Thanks for the replys. I too am a little worried about the snow. We'll just try to make the best of it. Even if we can't make it to the peak it will still be a blast. I can't wait to get my hands on one of those DWR booklets on the Uintas. I looked them up and they're only like 1 or 2 bucks. Thanks again.