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Full Version: East Canyon bad results on trout and dads 5/30/05
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Took my two sisters up to East Canyon to try our luck for some trout and crawdads. Fished near the inlet and only boated 1 15" fat rainbow and not a single dad. Would really like to learn how to get those guys. I did buy a trap and loaded it with hotdogs and other goodies, but the dads were not there. Any suggestions? Water has really come up. It was coming over the spillway and has covered the majority of the rocks around the lake. Jake
[cool]What I use that really seems to slay them is raw chicken legs. If you are using a small trap, just one will do, but if using one of the longer traps, put a piece at each end.

As for East Canyon though, I beleive it was petty4life (but not sure exactly) that went to East Canyon last year after dads and didn't do very well either. I don't think that there's many left in there for whatever reason. Strawberry (especially on the Soldier Creek side) is the best place to go for them that I know of. They seem to be a little smaller there than at Scofield, but there's MILLIONS of them in that lake. Good luck next trip.
there are tons of dads in east canyon. when the water temps come up the dads will be out in full force.
Out4trout and petty thanks for the replies. I have seen a lot of dads in the past at East Canyon. It is just taking me a little longer to find some new areas that are not submurged in a lot of water. I used to use chicken legs when I was younger on a string, but I could not remember if it was cooked or raw. Thanks for the tips. Jake
About two weeks ago I threw a trap out with chicken skin in it at Scofield and didn't catch a single crawfish. I think it is still just a little too cold for the crawfish right now. I did catch a couple dozen minnows throughout the day but no crawfish in the trap. I did catch a couple crawfish in my casting net and one tangled itself up in my fishing line and he was a bugger trying to untangle.

I would say give it a couple of weeks and let the water temperatures come up. If you ever want to go to Scofield or Strawberry let me know and I will help you catch a gazillion.

Hey, have you made it out to shoot at carp lately??