Fishing Forum

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[size 1]From Auburn, on Hwy I-80; go NE, 2 mi. to Auburn-Foresthill Rd. Turn E, go 18 mi. to Foresthill. Continue on Forest Hill-Soda Springs Rd., go 12 mi. to Forest Rd. 66. 1) Turn L, go 3 mi. to Italian Bar trailhead. 2) Go 3 mi. beyond Rd. 66, turn L at Mumford Bar trailhead. 3) Go 5 mi. beyond Mumford Bar turnoff to Beacroft trailhead. Access upper reaches from Soda Springs Rd. S of Hwy I-80. Most trails 3-4 mi. and drop about 2,000 ft.

A designated wild trout water from Iowa Hill Rd. bridge to PaliSade Creek. Very clear stream in remote, very steep canyon, moderate in gradient, mixed large bedrock pools, riffles, and boulder field pocket water; vegetation varies from foothill oak woodland through yellow pine belt. Watch for rattlesnakes. Campgrounds near trailheads.

Local fishing: Rainbows common, occasional large fish. Browns from Mumford Bar downstream.

Camping permitted. [/size]