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Quick question for anyone who may know.

Does the parasite(the one that makes you itch) in the water at Pelican lake affect dogs ? I have never let my hounds get near the water because I was concerned that it would adversely affect them(there is nothing worse than a hound with the itches - except a runny nose or the sneezes).

Does anyone ever bring their dogs there and is there anything that needs to be done before or after the dogs have been in the water ? Or, should it not be done ? What if the dog drinks the water - as is unavoidable ?
First, I'll start off with facts - I've owned 3 dogs now since I started fishing at Pelican, all Goldens. All were swimming fools, spending hours in the water each day. I have never observed any affect on them. The first time I went, I was unaware of swimmers itch and got it big time. It wasn't fun.
Now, just a hazy memory - It seems like I contacted the DWR many years ago (after the first time?) and I asked this question and I think I got an answer that it doesn't affect dogs/animals, but I'm not sure. I'm at the age now that memory is not very accurate (convenient memory).[unsure]
Oh man, the day I spent tubing wet at pelican is burned into my mind for eternity. I would gladly take a broken limb or major oral surgery over the week I spent in agony after that fishing trip. All I can say is thank god the boils stopped where my shorts started! I've been so scared I've never let my lab anywhere near that lake, but she has gone swimming in other bodies of water that are notorious for swimmers itch without any ill effects, but I think you might be playing a little russian roulette by bringing them.
How did you get rid of it, I think my sister in law got it on her legs over the week end. Does over the counter stuff work or should she go to the doctor?
Never mind, I saw the links from the previous post.
Hey there Fairwayphilly,

Long time no talk ! How's things going ? I hope you've been out fishing and not just working yourself to death.

I've been out to Pelican a lot of times, but I've always steered clear of the water with my dogs - call me paranoid, but hounds and the "itches" are not a good combination when you have to travel with them in the same vehicle.

It looks like some folks have not had any problems with the parasite's effects on their dogs. However, I think I'll wait to see if other poeple have had some experiences that I can draw from before taking them there for a swim while I fish.