11-23-2002, 04:25 AM
continuous changes to our hunting rules and regulations have become rediculous to say the least . since i have been hunting i have seen more changes that are nessecary . even the c.e.o. 's of the d.n.r. have lap-tops with them because some of the laws change during the hunting season on a day by day basis . the d.n.r. had it's c.e.o.'s enforse a baiting law a few years ago that was deemed illeagel after the season because it was a department of agriculture juristicunal issue . in a no baiting area a hunter can be fined $2500.00 , loose his gun , vehical , and hunting privilages and be prohibited from ever going into that county ever again if a single carrot is found whithin 500 feet of his location while hunting , weather or not he new the carrot was there . but a farmer can put a hunting stand up in the middle of his cornfeild in the same area , and not be touched ! ( i don't bait , but i fail to see the d.n.r.'s logic in this )
button bucks , spike length changes , antler count , diferent areas different lengths and counts , doe , no doe areas , private land , state land ,( i hunt for the meat , points are just a bonus ) five gal , 2 gal , in a ten foot area , spreaders , no tree stand , tree stand , hunting boundreys listed in ways that only a surveyer would understand instead of by county lines . disabled hunters can shoot from there car , but , the d.n.r. has put up baracades that limits the areas that they may hunt in . we have a fishing spot up here that the d.n.r. has installed a turnstyle you walk thru to get in , but not if your in a wheelchair ( to narrow )! charging our service personel a hunting fee now - which i think is descrasefull concidering there lives can be put on the line at any moment for the good of our country . and whats with signing your license ? it has your drivers license number on it !
i was once duck hunting at point mouley in monroe when a c.e.o. called me out of the swamp to check me out , he kept his hand on his sidearm as i climed up the bank out of the water so the last thing i was going to do was start racking my gun , he informed me he had the power to arrest me and to send me to jail for the next two years for having a loaded gun on the road ( the road runs on top of the dikes thru-out the state land swamps ). gee , two years or get shot , what a choice !
we have an area up here that you can rifle hunt on but you can't bow hunt on even during gun season !the same area you can run dogs on but you can't ride bicycles or horses or hike in , state land ! our land ! too many rules , no wonder it's discouraging for our young hunters to get a start , one honest mistake and your screwed !
at deer camp we have hunting licenses from the early sixteys on to the present . one page pamplets that explaned the do's and don'ts from the early days , who knows a lap top for next year ?
button bucks , spike length changes , antler count , diferent areas different lengths and counts , doe , no doe areas , private land , state land ,( i hunt for the meat , points are just a bonus ) five gal , 2 gal , in a ten foot area , spreaders , no tree stand , tree stand , hunting boundreys listed in ways that only a surveyer would understand instead of by county lines . disabled hunters can shoot from there car , but , the d.n.r. has put up baracades that limits the areas that they may hunt in . we have a fishing spot up here that the d.n.r. has installed a turnstyle you walk thru to get in , but not if your in a wheelchair ( to narrow )! charging our service personel a hunting fee now - which i think is descrasefull concidering there lives can be put on the line at any moment for the good of our country . and whats with signing your license ? it has your drivers license number on it !
i was once duck hunting at point mouley in monroe when a c.e.o. called me out of the swamp to check me out , he kept his hand on his sidearm as i climed up the bank out of the water so the last thing i was going to do was start racking my gun , he informed me he had the power to arrest me and to send me to jail for the next two years for having a loaded gun on the road ( the road runs on top of the dikes thru-out the state land swamps ). gee , two years or get shot , what a choice !
we have an area up here that you can rifle hunt on but you can't bow hunt on even during gun season !the same area you can run dogs on but you can't ride bicycles or horses or hike in , state land ! our land ! too many rules , no wonder it's discouraging for our young hunters to get a start , one honest mistake and your screwed !
at deer camp we have hunting licenses from the early sixteys on to the present . one page pamplets that explaned the do's and don'ts from the early days , who knows a lap top for next year ?