Fishing Forum

Full Version: Achin to throw some Fur
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I am hurting to get back on the rivers and do some fishing. I saw that lost creek was running at 12 CFS, has anyone been up there in the last few days? Is it clear? If not, does anyone have any idea where I can go fly fishing. I am in serious pain here.

The Green is great this time of year . Might be a little to far for you , but I miss going . Try the Weber between Rockport and Echo . I been know to fish the high water too . Lakes can be good now with Damsels .
There's lot's of stillwater fly fishing to be had right now as well as the high water run-off challange. Either way, try to narrow it down a little more and I could easily get myself up for some fly fishing - with or without my hounds in tow.
The middle Provo is running very high, but it is clear. Once the fish settle into the banks, the fishing can be good. I drove by Currant Creek the other day and it looked okay, and I think the Strawberry below Soldier Creek would be okay too.