I was wondering if any one has been up to or has tried to fish Fish lake, round lake, or Sand lake yet this year for Greyling.
I have had planned to go there on the third weekend in June. There are a few stream crossing that could be a problem if there's high water.
When It is OK to go up there We should plan a BFT outing for the greyling.
I'm planning a trip to the uintas the same week. My main concern is not high water, but the huge amounts of snow still up there. Last I heard there was still several feet around mirror lake and even more towards the south. I guess we'll see how the weather is over the next couple weeks. I'm hoping for a nice warm spell.
I am definately game, would give me a great excuse to break out the light fly rod and add that species to my list.
I could be taked into that pretty easily. When we going ?
Got a report, 3rd hand, that the ice was just coming off Round a week ago (memorial weekend), and the fishing was fast for little greys.
Billy, as already previously discussed, if the timing is right I am in. I think if you are going the last week of June you will be rushing the season and may need a helicopter, or at least snow shoes, to get there. I would imagine there is lots of snow still up in that country, and more is falling today. I can testify that you are a strong young man (thanks again for towing my sled up the hill at Strawberry -- more than once) so go for it (in the 3rd week of June).
I've never been to these lakes, although I've been wanting to for several years. How long a hike is it and what's the best way to access the lakes (trailhead etc)?
I want to take my 9 year old son up there...
It's not a very long hike but the elevation gain will test the stamina of even the most hardy. I've done it twice and have since decided that 9" grayling just aren't worth that kind of pain.
I was up there last year the 26th of june and there was lots of snow last year at that time. The fishing was fast and furious for grayling which were spawning. It is a tough hike with a backpack.. about 3-4 miles with a constant up hill climb with lots of rocks and downed trees. It is definitely worth the hike if you have to add grayling to your "caught" list. Have a great time. Chicken.
In the great tradition of Mr. Murphy and his law, the one day I had off was yesterday--yes that's right--the day that earned Utah the "Best Impersonation of Seattle" Award.
I had intended to sojourn through snow and high water to fish these beauties for Arctic Grayling...but instead I was relegated to the sofa. When the weather broke, I headed to Strawberry for a few hours. Not a bad consollation prize, but not what I had hoped for the day.
There's probably still quite a load of snow near the top, so if you go any time soon, be prepared for it. It's only getting up to the 50's or so during the day, and freezing temperatures at night.
I'd love to take a trip up there with anyone and everyone who's willing, but I may have to make the trip solo. I'll be hiking and fishing a different area during the third week of June...
A little homework can get you into great grayling fishing that requires a nice and easy two mile hike. I'm not spilling the beans on the specific location cause a new state record is waiting for me up there. We caught a few 17" gray's last year.
Comm'on itchy, don't even tempt folks with that kind of tantilizing myth. We all know there are no 17" grayling in the uintas

And 2 miles? its more like 12 uphill all the way, don't even bother.
Here you go, 2 mile hike from the trailhead. This is elkaholic here on the site, go 'head and ask him. I'm sure we'll be going up again when the snow will allow. I caught one that was actually bigger, no camera for that one of course.

] I guess my intent wasn't as clearly communicated as I'd hoped, The damage is done now, especially after posting that pic, I know any added pressure to that lilttle gem of a lake could be very detrimental, so comm'on tell em the truth that really isn't utah, but central British Columbia, right?...Yep that's what I thought.
Close to British Columbia, it's actually in Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula to be exact...or was it Magna? I can't remember.
I'm always up for trading secret spots. I take you to mine, you take me to yours. Although extensive back ground checks and 24 hour surveillance is required [

I got your first post, trying to get people to venture out is a little tough even if you give them exact locations. I'm not very concerned about someone figuring it out. Plus, maybe it really is 12 miles uphill both ways.
I probably caught well over a hundred of them little buggers last year when I made the day trek to Round, Sand, and Fish lakes. A renegade or prince nymph is all you'll need.
Hey Lobina_Mosca,
The Trailhead is the Dry fork/ Fish Lake trailhead. It is about 7 miles( dirt road) up UT 213 from the turn off from Smith and Morehouse. The trail it self is rocky and steep in some places and the last mile to Round lake is a true grinder.
Round Lake is about 3.5 miles up from the trail head and it is the first of 3 lake's up there that contain Grayling and Brookies. I have always been skunked there. Sand Lake is 4 miles from the trailhead and is the second largest. I have alway done well up there. Fish lake is 4.5 miles up from the trail head and is the largest of the 3 lakes.
The grayling are not huge as some people have stated but there are some big one in fish lake if you can get them to bite. Aquaman caught a nice one up there that was around 14" two years ago if I remember right. You can have some great number day's well over 100 when they want to bite.
It is a hard hike. There are places closer on the mirror lake highway for Grayling but I like the hike and there's always cool wildlife around.
I know the condtions might be a bit rough next week but I'm willing to give it a shot if anyone else want's to go or we can wait for a few more weeks.
now you tell there are shorter hikes after almost killing me on that hike in to fish lake...you billygoat LOL
Your the one that broke your toe just before we went. I was willing to take you some place else but you wanted to be the hero. I told you it was a hard hike.
i'm just a glutton for punishment let me know when you go again i might be up for more self abuse