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Full Version: lureleader" planer board/ downrigger
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A long time back someone posed a question about the use of an item called the "lureleader" [url ""][/url]

I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of these? I went to the site and read about them but feedback from BFT folks is alot more trustworthy.
I purchased a couple and before using them (seemed too complicated to me) I sold them on BFT to Wiperhunter2. Curt has been known to post on here, so there is a good chance he will give you his impression of them.
They look really cool, but I don't have room in the boat for them. It seems like they would give you lots of control, but a downrigger or planer boards would probably work as well.

They certainly are priced right. It's time somebody gave Offshore a little competition. Their products are ridiculously expensive for what they are.

On second thought, maybe I'll buy these and sell the downriggers and boards.
If you decide to purchase them buy them off of eBay. They can be purchased on eBay for less than one can buy them directly from the manufacturer.
Ebay is exactly where I stumbled across them. I have been looking at them for some time but I am hesitant on buying them without hearing from someone that has actually used them.
No input????????????

Please gang, my budget is tight and I need something that gets me down to them macks and cutts at Bear Lake via trolling. Vertical jigging is tough in the summer months and I have to cover alot of water to find them.
If you are interested in buying one or two let me know, I have a video that goes with them. I have down riggers and side planners that I prefer to use but the Lure Leader will dive or go out to the side like a side planner.

Sent you a PM!
I also bought one of those lure leaders and have mixed feelings about it. Personally I think the only way you can get consistant results is to have a main mast to tie your drag line to. I tried using it from the side of the boat and it works until you get too much line out and the string catches the water. When that happens it dives and comes right back to the boat (usually right under the prop). If you could keep the line at a 45 deg to the water it would probably work better.

If you want to try it out one day let me know. I also have a video and some instructions.
Thanks guy's,

I am now an owner of two "lureleaders" and will give them a go.

I already have offshore side planers and plan to use the lureleader for the downrigger option while trolling.

Give me a little time to learn how to use them and I will put up a post (good or bad) on what I think of them.

Curt/ Ira/ Kent thanks for getting me into a set for a very reasonable price.

Worst case is I bought two realy cool space ships for my kid to play with! LOL