Hello, I'm a new member and thought i'd try and post something.. I usually fish the small lakes in the boulder mtns. for brook trout a couple times a summer.. so I was wondering if anyone knows about snow/road conditions around there.. maybe posy lake, or blue spruce campgrounds. thanx.
Hi Jacob sorry can't help you out with your question. but i did want to welcome you to the board
Welcome and the road to Posey is open but winter killed. Most of the mid elevation lakes you can get to but don't be surprised if the snow stops you from getting much higher.
The DWR has not done any surveyes yet on the Boulder Mtn Lakes. Not to be offensive to Hedges -- but I wouldn't take these winter kill reports to seriously. Reports of winterkill happen every year -- only to find out that fish are actually in those lakes later on....
Access to most of the lakes below the rim is happening. Some roads may be harder than others due to snow drifts. If you are planning on heading to the Boulder in the near future, just go prepared! Take a shovel, and some winter clothing with you. Expect snow. It's not summer in the mountains....
Parts of the Griffin Top are also accessible, but I wouldn't plan on getting all the way from Escalante to Bicknell. The Boulder Top is almost never accessible until July. This winter has seen more snow than usuall, so access up Top may be later this year....
I spoke with the Loa Forest Service office not too long ago, and they said that Boulder Top will have snow for quite some time. At the time we spoke, they even said that access to the lower lakes was still not feasible due to snow, but that it should be a bit more manageable if the weather stayed warm.
Well...so much for the weather staying warm.
If you went right now, you'd still be facing snow in many cases. It may be do-able, but I don't know how enjoyable. I'd say by July things should be looking up.
In the words of an Escalante resident, "Stay off the @#$% Boulder! It's MINE,MINE,MINE!!!!"
HEE HEE[cool]
Thanx for the hearty welcome and all the information. I understand lots of high mtn. lakes winter kill. I watched a doug miller rerun last week and a snapshot of the week was a 26 inch cut from redcastle lake-high uintas. a place i'm familiar with but figured it should winter kill..11,000 ft +. You never know. thanx again.
Winter kills are what makes Boulder so great. You never know what you'll find or catch. Even with a good winter and still plenty of snow, it wouldn't stop me from any plans or future trips.
PBH Puffer is stocked regularly so a little winter kill isn't going to effect summer fishing. Just like Upper Barkers last year, it had some winter kill but I still caught fish. The fishing wasn't as good as the previous years but I fished harder and found some better then average fish.