Fished for the macs. Bodine and I had fair success. 11,12,14,15,22,26 & 28 pounders and a few heart-breakers that we never got in the boat.
Thanks for posting your report, sounds like you guys did good. Were you trolling in your boat or Jeff's? What area were you fishing? WH2
We were in Jeffs boat. We trolled the whole time. Fished from swim beach clear up to dutch john.
And to think I am still in search of my 10 pounds or better mack!
Head to the gorge Kent.
I have headed to the Gorge. I fished it on May 19th and 20th with a couple guys who have had success (except despite their best efforts -- not on this trip) fishing with steel lines. While fishing for macks we had two bites between three of us and we didn't hook a fish. I have also fished it through the ice without success.
im with you kent- still waiting for a big one. i did real well in april for smaller macs, but the end of may trip was slow. did you see any rainbow planting where you were kent? they planted a ton at antelope. i think that, in addition to run-off feed, was what made things slow at the end of may. hopefully things will be good next week! good luck on the pursuit for a big one kent! (im right there with ya!)
[size 1]"did you see any rainbow planting where you were kent?"[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]No.[/size]
Wow, that is a huge area, were you draging bottom the whole time?
Mostly fished 70' with downriggers. Never did find a real hot spot. Just one here and one there. Spent 4 hours docked at hide out one day waiting for the $@#!! wind to mellow out. The weather changed about every 15 minutes most of the time. That was our second trip to the gorge. We are starting to get the hang of it..... I think.
I sent you a personal message. Did you get it? P.M. me if you got it. Pikeman
I would say you guys are getting the hang of it, catching them up to 28 pounds should prove that, way to go.
My next goal is 35 or better[cool]
Boy, you have some high goals. Since you guys caught fish the size Chris listed, I would say it's well within your reach. Good luck on your next trip. WH2
Thanks Curt, we only get up there once or twice a year so I guess its good to dream. Just as well dream big[
