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Full Version: Hole 33 's shoreline
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Last time I was down there was last year this time. Since then , the lake came up a bit. I remeber seeing two guys fishing on a narrow stretch of shore that I assume now is deep sixed. Is there much space to fish on down there ?
Yes. Go there. Sometimes good
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] Hole 33 is a great area if you're willing to pack all your stuff down and pack it out. I found it a pain in the, you know. There is quite a bit of room to fish plus room to roam around.

Take care,
Is hole33 about where Saddle cove used to be?
No it is not. I hope you are kidding. Turnout for Hole 33 is just southeast of the turn off to Las Vegas Wash when you are traveling towards Lake Mead Marina.
Sorry, Im clueless about the "locations" of the lake Sad I know I used to fish @ Saddle cove, but its gone now and I though maybe Hole33 was the new spot with the lake being down.