Well we had our day at Deer Creek an about 15 to 20 people showed up, the fishing was slow but we still had a lot of fun and had a fishing contest for the kids, and give-a-ways for them and even a air plain ride for the top prize.
Their was fish catching both trout and bass and almost a walleye that was lost at the boat.
The food was great and the fish stories were too, CBR had his flotboat and I had my bass boat.
We taked about MOJO and fishing and all had a great time even in the rain...[



I had a great time with you out on your boat. I learned alot and even though I didnt get any in the boat I had my first smallmouths on the hook. Id love to take you up on that offer to go out with you again sometime before I start my new job in July.
Thanks UTBASS for hosting a good party! It was nice to meet you, bassrods, fishhound, CBR and the others (whos names escape me right now)
Food, friends, and fishing - a pretty good day on Deer Creek.
As a sidenote, I noticed that the only time CBR wasnt on the water was for lunch. (Even then he had a bait rod searching for trout) Man, youre hardcore[sly]
Thanks a million brother! Your help was and is greatly appreciated! I am looking forward to us getting out on your boat and sticking some of these fish! Drop me a line when you need a partner!
Thanks Bassrods ! Great day fishing and I'm glad I had the chance to exchange fish stories with you on your boat. It was great to get some hands on instruction and experience with the Mojo system. It's

that it took almost all day for me to figure out what the bite felt like - I think, it was when you mentioned that some of the bites felt like nothing that finally sunk it. That's when I started getting bites. It was also good to learn that the circle hooks might not be the one of the best choices for terminal hardware. With a little more practice, I can see great potential in the system as another very effective tool I can utilize.
Great day, great company, great opportunity !
Thanks UTBASS and everyone for a good time. I enjoyed myself even though I actually missed the instructional seminar because we were out fishing. As stated before, it was a slow day on the lake, but my cousin and I came away with 2 bass and 1 walleye by 11:30 and then left for home after the barbeque.