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Full Version: Catfish at Echo yet ?
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Most of the reports have been of chunky rainbows coming out of Echo. That means the food supply in there must be good and the kitty's should be chunky too.

Has anyone tried the catfish there yet ?
I went up Friday afternoon in my toon. I trolled around the upper end with only a carp to show for it. When I was done, I cut a chunk out of him and cast it out. I had a couple of bites on that, but couldn't hook up. I talked to a guy who'd heard rumors of some nice cats coming out of there lately. I'm planning on heading back up tomorrow to see if I can't do a little better, and I'll report back if I have any success.

Welcome aboard.
[red][size 3]I have never fished Echo before so I would be way interested in hearing how you did. Welcome to BFT.[/size][/red]
Well, I made it up there about 1 pm yesterday, and only fished till 4. I wanted to fish from the shore, but the wife insisted that we go out on the pontoons, since there's no snakes out there on the water. We drug around carp meat, spinners, jigs, etc, with no luck. My fishfinder gave out on me for some reason, hopefully it's just a dead battery.

Hopefully I'll make it back up there sometime this week, either early or late in the day, and have something better to report.
It has been my experiance that the cats at echo usually bite only just before sunset, and are fairly deep. From shore Ive had to cast out as far as possible and sometime wait 45 min to an hour for a bite using shrimp. They are very big though not un common to push ten pounds or so. Fish off of the point at middle of the east side. Where the pond forms on the oposite side of the road.

Be paitent, they take a long time to bite.
I would have been more patient, but my wife had to get home. I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that they're deep. I would've thought they'd be in the warmer shallows, at least in the evening. Oh well, thanks for the tips. I'll see if i can't spare more time this weekend, or next week.