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I have tryed but once to
Filet..... Very Sad day it was.. I should have let the bass live [pirate]

I would like to hear yur secrets on getting such nice filets that I see on BFT.

Law the
massacrer of filets
[#505000]It's easy after a little/lot practice. I assume from your posts you are in Utah county. Hook up with me sometime on a trip and I would be happy to show you.[/#505000]
Ey... Im in Orem.... I will PM you with my phone number.

The secret to filleting a fish is practice.
Yes practice is what it takes. Anyone can tell you how to do it but until someone physically shows you and you practice you wont be good at it.
lots of practice and a very sharp knife
I agree here. I tried to fillet some cats that I got over the weekend and when I sharpened up my knife with just a couple strokes on a sharpening steel, it made all the difference in the world. Its an easy thing to do. Just cut down the side behind the head to the gill area and then carve a deep cut down the spine to the tail area. Then I work down over the ribs and cut down the center of the belly flesh to cut your fillet loose. Cut through the flesh down until you contact the skin of the fish, turn your knife 90 degrees and then slice your way, with your knife as flat as possible, until you have the skin smoothly removed from your fresh fillet. The DUDE posted a while back about filleting fish. He has a good pictorial to go along with his words. Check that out. Again, sharp knife is a key..... makes it so much easier and you don't get meat or skin bunching up on you..... that just leds to a cursing fisherman and wasted meat.
Not much of a secret but I avoid the "skin the meat from the ribs" method whenever possible. Like most people I know I like to hack through the ribs as I cut the fillet to the tail, flip it over and seperate the fillet from the skin, and then cut the ribs from the fillet. It's a very quick method and you don't loose much meat on the sides of the ribs. Using this method you do need to sharpen your knife every so often because you dull the knife by cutting through the ribs.
Use your electirc carving knife the same way as you would a fillet knife. You'll be amazed how easy it is, like filleting butter! Filleted 50 perch in 25 minuets this way!
[Wink] On a recent Lake Powell trip, A friend threw in his ironing board! I thought what the @$% is this? He told me to sit back and Watch young grasshopper and you to will learn.

the ironing board sets up to just the perfect height and this prevented the dreaded aching back. He also pulled out an electric filet knife and plugged it into an adapter that hooked to the extra 12volt battery that he brought as an extra boat battery or for fileting. Just hook the aligator clips to the battery.[cool]

He would then start right behind the gills like normal, Cut down to the tail, Flip the filet over and skin the filet off from the skin. Flipped the fish over and repeated the process. WOW was this slick.

Clean up consisted of dunking the old ironing board in the lake and swishing it around a few times and wala wipe with a paper towel and it was done. At home you could do this ouside and just squirt it off with a hose and once again, WALA your done. Skin the rib away from the fillet and your done. [Smile]

This made a lengthy not fun task of fileting into everyone wanted to try it! HE picked up the ironing board at the DI for .50 cents. I checked and you can purchase the whole knife set with adapter for 110, cigarette lighter or battery clip on for about 37.00 skins. A little steep, But I felt worth the price to make that nasty chore a little more enjoyable.[Wink]

WOW, that sounds like a deal to me.... I like the idea of the electric. Im just lazy I guess....LOL
ripnlips got it right thats how i do it back in the day i could clean 3-4 fish a minute i used to even be able to fillet and skin an anchovie
Hey Marshall Law,

Ditto on the Tubetude's post ! He also convinced me to get an electric fillet knife for those big cats. I was him fillet half a dozen 3-4 # cats in the time it used to take me to do just one fish - and he wasted about half of what I used to. I have done it now a few times with the electric and it is a beautiful thing - but I recognize that I still need some practice with it to improve my fillet to waste ratio. I bought my American Angler electric knife at SW for around $16 - well worth it.