I have a Mercury 6HP four stroke, that hunts RPMS, it will not hold a consistent RPM at slower trolling speeds.
Anyone else have this problem?
Any recommendations on how to fix this?
shoot a little carb cleaner on wd-40 around the base of the carb ( not in the carb.) if this effects the way it runs, its a sure sign of a vacuum leak at the mounting flange. also, I had a motorcycle ( 4 stroke ) hunt for idle. it turned out to be a loose plug.
I'll second what the garbage man says. Sounds like it could be a fuel/air leakage problem.
Thanks! I'll give those a try. MC
With it running, put your hand over the opening of ther carb. If the RPM's shoot up, you have a vacuum leak, if it kills the motor, its another problem. Just a quick test to eliminate unneeded work.