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Full Version: where can i find sucker minnows?
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well i sure have heard allot about sucker minnows being the bait of choice out at utah lake. i just need to know where to find them. i live in salt lake city and would love to find a close place to find some cheap bait. i usually have to head up to the berry for the chubs, and up to scofield for the sweet redsides. these do well for me at utah lake, but would love to try the infamous sucker. it's time to break out the ol' casting net. 5' radius of course. it's kitty cat time at last!
[cool]Hey fencekid, send aquaman a p.m. He's got a NICE secret spot out west of town where he gets tons of them. He'd probably be happy to take ya out there if he hasn't left to Alaska yet.