Fishing Forum

Full Version: Yuba, Good news, Bad news
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Spent a windy weekend at Yuba, fishing stunk. Camping was windy. Didn't even put the boat in on Sat. Sunday fished from day break, no pike, no walleye, no perch. No Kitties the night before.

The Good news is the lake is filling and expected to fill in July depending on how much water Delta demands. The Tamerisk is buried 12' deep and there will be plenty of cover for the baby perch. There was 14' of water at the powerline crossing and all ramps are usable.
Good to hear that she is filling up. Too bad the weather was so rotton for you. Thanks for the update.
I had to go to Deseret, outside Delta, friday and the Sevier was running as high as I have ever seen it. I figured Yuba, DMAD, etc were full or close to it and they were just letting water go. Because I'm sure a least some of that water is just going out the dry lake bed.
