I think there was an old post about this but I can't find it.
Just wondering how much it would cost to get a season pass to LBH and how to obtain one?
I know Pat will probable come to my rescue on this one....as he always does...[cool]
Last time I bought a pass, it was $60.00. I am not sure if the price is still the same. You can get the pass right at the gate. Look for the owner, Mark Cook or his dad. They're usually there from sun-up till around 6:00 pm.
Way cool... Thanks bro. This is very much appreciated news.. I was expecting $200 and up.. I would be very willing to pay $60.. Hell, I think I allready paid that...LOL
Does anyone have a telephone number for Lindon Boat Harbor or Mark Cook? I found a number Online for the marina, but it is not a working number, and there are several Mark Cook's listed in the telephone book. I am trying to find information about if it is possible to get out of there in the middle of the night? I plan on fishing an overnighter soon and I have been known to load up the boat and head for other waters in the middle of the night.
Kent contact UTBASS. Ol' Cliffie just about lives down there.
Will this get me into just LBH or can I get into PBH and other places????
As TD said, LBH is a private enterprise so their pass is only good there. The Utah State Parks Pass is $75, which is a pretty good deal if you plan to do a lot of recreating around Utah. It gets you in to about 95% of the State Parks, including PBH, Jordanelle, Deer Creek, Rockport, etc. For about $150, you can get both passes.
[url "http://www.lindonboatharbor.com/"]Lindon Boat Harbor[/url] Click here . Then click on boating for pricing .
"Launch Fees: $6.00 for Boat"
The last time I went out there, on June 11th, I handed the man at the booth $6.00 and he said that it was only $5.00?
You are a funny man ... Did you practice that one? He he he. Hey bro, when is the tourney on CJ Strike?
Is it $10 if one launches their boat and leaves their vehicle parked overnight?
I went there lastnight and talked with the guy in the booth. He told me everything you guys told me.
Thanks... I talked with the wife and she siad to go for it.[cool]
nope .. your not leaving your trash and stuff all over the ground. he he he. Just the fee for launching. Unless you plan on staying inside the harbor all night.
16th/17th of July
Wow Tom that has to be extremely hot up there that time of year (and I don't mean the fishing)!
Two years ago, we had a tournament up there in mid July and it was 106 degrees the first day. I won't be going this time. I'll be in Idaho fishing Milner with that silly Predator.
Two years ago we went on our first sturgeon trip, and we weren't too smart and went up there during the heat of the summer. It was well over 110 degrees!