06-23-2005, 04:57 AM
Little Ripper and I hit Smith-Morehouse this a.m. Saw many fish rising then they shut off as soon as our tubes hit the water. ZILCH, ZERO, NADA!!! Decided to try Mill Hollow. As we went through Woodland, we had lunch at the Woodland Cash Store. It's so small (how small is it?) you would have to step outside to change your mind! Anyway, for $4.50 the proprietess made us a HUGE deli sandwich each. With our food appetite satisfied, we headed up the hill to Mill Hollow. We were both armed with small gold/red Super Dupers and were standing on the right (road to Currant Creek) side. After 15 minutes we each had 6 6-14" rainbows landed and released. By the time an hour was up, we had a total of 25, using only the spinners. Hit with a few sprinkles and some w#$%, we decided to head out.
Two hours of actual fishing but still a great day of fun with the boy. Even saw a bunch of the Tour de Park City bicyclists near Oakley and Kamas.
Two hours of actual fishing but still a great day of fun with the boy. Even saw a bunch of the Tour de Park City bicyclists near Oakley and Kamas.