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Full Version: The Jordan, Horseshoe Springs(6-24) & Lincoln Beach(6-25) Report
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I've had a wild couple of days o-fishin. Woke up friday morning early to get a few carp or suckers for the next days adventure to Utah lake. I got one of each, and had on quite a few more suckers. I didn't have more than an hour, so I made good use of time. Then I went to work.[Sad] Atleast it was enjoyable enough today. Instead of my usual fence post pounding I got to design a website for my uncle. After 5 hours of messing around with HTML I had it the way he wanted it, so I was free to go. I asked my dad since I was such a good boy if I could go out west for some bass fishing. He said sure. So out I went.

I went home quick to get my bass gear ready, then I was off. I decided to go where I know. I went out to skull valley and Horseshoe springs. The bugs were a little bad, but I could handle them. A little west nile never hurt no one.[Tongue] Caught 3 smaller bass, 10-12"ers, on a chartruse spinnerbait. Then I went to an old trick out there. I put on a 3" plastic crawdad in black and tried for some bigger fish. Pulled in one 16" bass, and had another break my 6# line. I kept the one bigger one, and threw him in the crisper in my fridge when I got home. By then it was about 7:30, so I had to quit.

Woke up nice and early at 4:30 A.M. the following morning, only to find a 50 MPH wind outside. So we went back to sleep. Finally at 7 we decided it would be better to go and just see if we could fish than sit home all day. So we loaded the gear into my dad's truck and took off towards lincoln beach. When we got to Utah county there was hardly any wind. I was kicking myself in the back side for not just going. Finally got to lincoln around 10, and went west past the no tresspassing signs to one of the rocky inlets. Started off with a minnow and crawler, and kept to it most the day. I caught 5 whites, a 10# carp and a mudder. My mom caught 4 whites, a mudder and a 15" Walleye. My dad caught a 22" Channel and a 21" walleye. And my brother and his friend each caught a couple whites a piece. After two sets of storms came through we finally decided to call it quits, especially with the amount of rain and lightning coming in the next round. It was a good thing we left when we did. By the time we got to Goshen we couldn't hardly see the road because of the down pour.

I woke up this morning to find my uncle was here. I expected to get paid like $20 for the work I did for him. Nope. He got me a JVC 2.0 Mega-Pixel Digital Camra!!!!!! I love that man! He must have heard me complaining to my dad about the camra issue. So here they are, the first set of pictures from my new toy!
Sounds like you had a pretty productive couple days of fishin'. Sure beats sitting around doing nothing, even if the weather is a little dicey. Thanks for the report and the pics.