I would like to know if anybody has been up that way. I would like to take the family camping there this weekend, and was wondering if there is any snow left. Also, I have never been any further than the lake, is there any primative camping above the lake? Thanks
I used the search to find this post . [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=207490;search_string=Mill%20Hollow%20;#207490"]Mill Hollow[/url] Might try replying or a PM to get some more info .
I was by there on sunday on the way to Hanna. There is still some snow in the shadows. As far as primitive camping theres plenty farther up the lake. As a matter of fact you could camp along that road all the way to Strawberry, Current Creek, West Fork of the Duschene etc depending on the fork of the road you take. Yoo should be able to find a dry camping spot somewhere.