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Full Version: Hammer Head Sharks
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I am still around! We just got back from a 10 day trip to Florida, What a hoot! I caught sharks on my 5wt fly rod, hammer head,black tip and sand shark along with all kinds of other species. Rented a 16' boat for a couple of the days and had a Manatee swim up to check us out close enough to snort water on me as he breathed. big sea turtles and rays and dolphins all around us. I did cheat the fly rod though used a 1/4 oz head with shrimp or squid on it. The biggest fish I caught was a Snook that spun the drag on me for a while then jumped so I could see him and spit the hook back at me. I wanna go back already.
Sounds like an awesome trip. Sharks on a fly rod would be a blast.
I'm surprised that you didn't use boogers. Sounds like a cool trip.
welcome back

sounds like a fun trip
Hey arent those sharks so fun to catch! I didnt hook any on my trip but lots of cudas were everywhere!
Cudas are fun I didn't catch one this trip but did catch their cusin the Lady fish. This was my first time catching sharks now I want to go after bigger ones.

Sounds like a blast. I miss salt water fishing so much. Any chance you have some pic's to share?
wish I had taken my digital but I just have regular old pics.
They can be converted from your negatives to a CD. Don't keep us hanging dude!
Way to go HFT. Good job on the big salty. I am on the West coast and having a blast. There are only a few species out her that could hit on a fly.

I bet if you were to send some boogers over my way, I could catch some species on them, take pics and promote them for you out here.

What do you think???[cool]