Hi guys - Been behind the scenes of this message board for about two years now - finally decided it was time that I join up and start contributing
(All you other guys behind the scene should do the same!)
With that said - It looks like the weather is finally clearing up, so I'm going to try and hit rockport or echo tomorrow morning.
Rockport - Has anyone ever been very succesful here for perch? If so what were you using and where were you at? How float tube accessable is the lake?
Echo - I've fished this lake for years now and I've noticed a dramastic decline in perch numbers, all the places i've fished over the years are empty - Is anyone catching perch at echo?
^^ This

dens me becuase i love catfishing at echo, i'm afraid if the perch numbers are declining - the catfish numbers will do the same.
Thanks guys - Glad to be here

Welcome to the other side. I hope you enjoy the site. I too fish the rock, and echo regularly. Trout fishing, especially trolling has been very productive the last 6 or 7 weeks. Unfortunately I have only reeled in 2 perch at Rockport, and nothing at echo. It's pretty discouraging that 1 1/2 years ago ice fishing for perch was incredible at echo, the same for rockport last winter. I was really hoping to catch more perch this spring, but have had virtually no success. The perch I have caught at Rockport have been on the west side, off the shallower points. I'm sure there are better perch fisherman out there that could steer you in a good direction, but thats the only spots that I have seen them this year. I think that a few weeks ago there was a post on that very subject. Good luck!
It seems like the perch fishing has been slow everywhere this year. Very few at Jordanelle compared to other years and I haven't heard of very many being pulled out of Pineview either.
There is always an abundance of perch at fish lake, unfortunately they don't have much size, but it can be nonstop action for the kids.
Howdy Wyo-dude,
Welcome to the board. I fish at Rockport quite regularly. This year, I have only had one day of perch up there - back in May - I caught about 20 over on the shallows by the Beaver Creek/ Weber River inlet on the south east-ish side(there are some bass in there as well). But , directly west of the inlet there are some shallows that can also have some perch on the right days.
As far as float tubes go, there are plenty'o'spots to launch one - it will depend on how you feel about tubing - you can use the ramp or any place you can get your tube to from the bank. Just for you planning, you might want to consider that the wind is almost always coming from the west - especially in the afternoon - so launch accordingly. It is small enough that you can easily be blown to the other side and end up with a very long walk back to your launching spot - and I do mean long !
First off, welcome. I think the perch and other small panfish really suffered due to the drought. We saw this in Pineview over the last couple of years, as they drained the water down to work on the dam, and now the other reservoirs are seeming to catch up. There has been relatively little perch spawning ground available for a few years now, and I feel this has really hurt the numbers. This year, all the new vegetation has been flooded, and I think the smaller fish will have a bumper crop of little dudes. We wont see the benefit for a year or two, but I think the drought may have a silver lining. I think Pineview will come on strong this winter and next spring, as a lot of vegetation got flooded last year, which provided a good spawn, and now the other lakes will catch up. Perch need to have good cover to have a successful spawn, as they are the favorite food of many fish. Don't be too depressed, because over the next couple of years, I think you'll find fishing for them will dramatically improve.
If perch is what you like to fish for, take a trip to fish lake. I was there a month ago in my tube fishing the weed lines for perch. When the water was calm I could look down and literally see 10-15 perch swarming my bait that I was jigging. They would strike at my sinkers just as much as the worm. I pulled out about 15 perch in 20 minutes and could have limited on 50 in about 2 hours!
[cool]Welcome aboard, Wyo-dude. The perch fishing was red hot under the hard deck at Rockport this past winter, and I'm sure if you have a fishfinder that it's not that hard to find them. I haven't been back there since. I don't usually fish that lake except for under the ice. If I want trout, there's better places to go for much bigger fish than Rockport, so I mainly just fish it for perchies. I think fishound had some good ideas of where to try for them. Also, I'd try down off of the points on the west side of the lake. That was where the best ice fishing was this past season. I think since the perch fishing at Rockport has gotten better and better the past couple of years, that with the full levels right now, they should have had an awesome spawn this year, and that lake should only get better for the perchies.
As for Echo, I was really looking forward to trying that place for my first time this past winter, but EVERY single report that I heard of from there was poor fishing, aned reports of lots of dead perch on the surface at times, so I never went there. I think that 6 years of drought finally caught up with that lake's perch population. With the WAY higher water levels of this year, it should make it so that whatever small perch population is still there should have had a great spawn. One thing is for sure though, and that is that the trout population is getting much bigger in that lake from the recent reports, so you can do well for them out there if that's what you want to go for. Good luck.
Hey thanks for the welcome guys -
Ended up not going because i ended up working haha
I work at a firework stand so im not going to have much time off the next couple of days
Maybe i'll try rockport for some perch on my next day off though - Thanks for all the advice there -