07-04-2005, 10:52 PM
[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe and I hit the west side of Utah Lake twice this weekend. The first time was as a "Plan B", after being blown off the water at Lincoln Beach early Sunday morning. North wind and 3 foot waves, with chocolate water, sent us looking for more protected fishing. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Took a nice drive around through Goshen and up the west side of the lake. Pulled down one of the dirt roads and found lots of flooded tamarisk and reeds, with many suitable launch spots for the tubes. The wind was still blowing but not quite as hard. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Even though it was late morning (past the best bite) we both scored a couple of channel cats and a white bass. TubeBabe's channels were 2.3 pounds and 4 pounds. The smallest on a worm and bobber and the largest on plastic. I scored a 3.3 pound channel on the plastic and a 5.2 pounder on carp meat. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We thought the fishing might be even better early in the morning, so we got up at O dark thirty on July 4th and headed back down. Now the wind was blowing directly onto the shoreline from the southeast. We launched anyway, hoping it would die down after the sun came up. Nope. It got worse. At one point the swells were up to about 3 feet and a couple of rollers came over the back of my Super Fat Cat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I got two mud cats around 9, on crawlers, after getting no hits on either plastic or carp meat. Just when we had decided to bag it and head for home, the wind dropped and the water flattened. I noticed some big balls of carp congregating over the numerous weedbeds and decided to stretch my string on one or two. I landed a 5# "fin feeder" on my plastic jig and put it in the basket to replace the carp meat we had used over the past two days.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As the water turned nice and flat, and the color got some more green in it, I moved in close to the shoreline brush and began casting my purple and chartreuse plastic on my new red hook jig heads. I started getting hits immediately and in the hundred yards on the way back to the car I scored three white bass, two more mudders, a 16" walleye, a 2# channel and a porky 4# channel...all on the same plastic lure and my light action outfit. I didn't find any largemouths, but I think I can still count my score as a "grand slime"...multiple species on the same lure.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Poor TubeBabe. She managed only one white bass that climbed onto a worm baited hook trailing in the water beside her tube while she worked to undo a snag on her larger bait rod.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The fast growing water weeds are making it difficult to fish the west side beyond the near shoreline. But, most of the fish seem to be cruising or holding within a few feet of the edge of the brush and reeds anyway.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temps were up to 74 on July 3, but had dropped to 69 early in the morning on July 4. With all the wind, the temp was still only 70 degrees when we left the water at noon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lots of good camping spots along the shoreline on the west side. There were a few folks taking advantage of the opportunities. Surprisingly, there were very few bugs. I guess the wind has a positive side too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Took a nice drive around through Goshen and up the west side of the lake. Pulled down one of the dirt roads and found lots of flooded tamarisk and reeds, with many suitable launch spots for the tubes. The wind was still blowing but not quite as hard. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Even though it was late morning (past the best bite) we both scored a couple of channel cats and a white bass. TubeBabe's channels were 2.3 pounds and 4 pounds. The smallest on a worm and bobber and the largest on plastic. I scored a 3.3 pound channel on the plastic and a 5.2 pounder on carp meat. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We thought the fishing might be even better early in the morning, so we got up at O dark thirty on July 4th and headed back down. Now the wind was blowing directly onto the shoreline from the southeast. We launched anyway, hoping it would die down after the sun came up. Nope. It got worse. At one point the swells were up to about 3 feet and a couple of rollers came over the back of my Super Fat Cat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I got two mud cats around 9, on crawlers, after getting no hits on either plastic or carp meat. Just when we had decided to bag it and head for home, the wind dropped and the water flattened. I noticed some big balls of carp congregating over the numerous weedbeds and decided to stretch my string on one or two. I landed a 5# "fin feeder" on my plastic jig and put it in the basket to replace the carp meat we had used over the past two days.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As the water turned nice and flat, and the color got some more green in it, I moved in close to the shoreline brush and began casting my purple and chartreuse plastic on my new red hook jig heads. I started getting hits immediately and in the hundred yards on the way back to the car I scored three white bass, two more mudders, a 16" walleye, a 2# channel and a porky 4# channel...all on the same plastic lure and my light action outfit. I didn't find any largemouths, but I think I can still count my score as a "grand slime"...multiple species on the same lure.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Poor TubeBabe. She managed only one white bass that climbed onto a worm baited hook trailing in the water beside her tube while she worked to undo a snag on her larger bait rod.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The fast growing water weeds are making it difficult to fish the west side beyond the near shoreline. But, most of the fish seem to be cruising or holding within a few feet of the edge of the brush and reeds anyway.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temps were up to 74 on July 3, but had dropped to 69 early in the morning on July 4. With all the wind, the temp was still only 70 degrees when we left the water at noon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lots of good camping spots along the shoreline on the west side. There were a few folks taking advantage of the opportunities. Surprisingly, there were very few bugs. I guess the wind has a positive side too.[/#0000ff]