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Full Version: Sharks in the Bear River
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My 8 yr old son and I fished the Bear River West of Brigham City on Saturday night. Fishing was pretty slow for the most part, with only the occasional bite and catch. The cats were also pretty small, the biggest we caught was only 14", the rest only 9-12". The mosquitos were also terrible, but we heaped on the bug spray and stuck it out. At about 11:00 p.m. my son had a good pickup and I helped him set the hook. The fish made a huge run peeling the 12# test line off the reel. Then the fight was on. He reeled and reeled and didn't make up much ground. I kept trying to keep his pole up in the air but the fish kept running and with each run he had a hard time keeping the pole up. After while the fish came close to the shore down the bank a ways and turned and headed out into the channel again with a thunderous splash of its tail. Now I have caught some nice fish out of the Bear in the past, but I have never felt the power of the fight that this fish was putting up. I grabbed the big net and headed down to the edge of the water to try and nab it. Well, the fish took another screaming run, straightened the rod out in my son's hand and snapped the line right at the reel. I never did get to see what the fish was. I know there are also some big carp in the river along with the cats, but we will never know if it was carp or cat. I turned to my son, who now had a look of shock and terror on his face and I asked, "What kind of fish was that?" He replied, "It must of been a shark!" After explaining that sharks don't inhabit the Bear River, I added that it was probably the "monster fish of the Bear River." So now that is what it is being called to everyone that will listen to his story. The best part of the trip was when we were driving home at midnight and he said, "Thanks for taking me fishing Dad!"
Great story! It would have been fun to have had a camera on your faces when the fish made that last run and broke loose.

Both of you will remember that fishing trip for a long time.
man that dose sound like a monster fish.. i've had cat's do that to me at utah lake.. i would say it was a cat just because 9 times out of 10 a carp will turn it's head when you put that much presher on the line..where a cat will not turn it's head for any thing..
Must have been the Bear Lake Monster! I always wondered where that guy goes when the sun goes down. No jet skiiers to eat at night on Bear Lake, so he must head down the river to feed on other fish. LMAO!