I am wanting to arrange a trip to go kittie fishing, as i have stated before I am relly new. I would like to see if someone would like to meet me at a good location and help me learn a bit...I am striking out each time I go.
I will be heading to lincoln tomorow afternoon to do some kitty chasing.Probably gonna stay till about 830 or 9pm. You are welcome to join me .
I would love to.. I dont get off of work until 8pm so I wouldnt be able to get there in time...I appreciate the offer though! Let me know if you plan to go after 8 or on the weekend and I would love to meet ya!
Me and the family are probably going to do a overnighter at lincoln friday for some kitties.Not sure yet because my wife has tournaments on friday so if we do go to lincoln we wont get there till way after 9pm or even later.Also weather pending .
Frank, of course it would be ideal if you could hook up with some of the experienced cat fishermen/women on here, but the next best way to learn is to post questions explaining where you are fishing and how and soliciting suggestions for improvement. Another good way is to send PMs to individuals who appear to be having some success catching cats. Some will choose to respond and help you out, and others, for various reasons, will not respond. From those who do respond you will receive some valuable input and over time you might even get a chance to go fishing with some of them.
Thanks.. WILL DO!