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Full Version: Shark Citrus Salad
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[font "courier"] 2 jalapeno peppers; seeded
--and finely chopped
2 garlic cloves; pressed
1/2 bn cilantro; chopped
1/2 ts salt; to taste
1/2 ts pepper; to taste
4 limes; juice of
--about 3/4 cup
1 lb shark; poached and cubed
assorted lettuce leaves
--radicchio; romaine, red
--curly endive lime wedges


1. Combine jalapenos, garlic, cilantro, salt, pepper and lime juice. Chill.

2. Before serving, gently toss fish cubes and dressing together. Serve on
lettuce, with lime wedges for garnish.

Makes 4 servings. Preparation time: About 10 minutes. Poaching time: About
5 minutes.