Fishing Forum

Full Version: Brielle Shark Kabobs For 4
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[font "courier"] 1 lb shark fillets, cut into 1
1 inch cubes
1 cn (8 ounce) juice packed
1 pineapple chunks
1 green pepper, cut into 1
1 inch squares
1/4 c sherry (optional)
1 tb low sodium soy sauce
2 ts brown sugar
1/2 ts ground ginger
1/2 ts dry mustard
1 clove garlic, crushed


Drain pineapple, reserving juice. To make marinade, combine pineapple
juice and remaining ingredients. Place shark cubes, pineapple and
green pepper in a shallow dish and add marinade. Cover and
refrigerate for at leas 1 hour. Drain and reserve marinade. Thread
fish, pineapple and green pepper alternately on 4 skewers. Place
skewers on a shallow baking pan or grill and broil about 4 to 5
minutes. Turn skewers and brush with marinade. Broil 4 to 5 minutes
longer or until fish flakes easily. Microwave recipe on HIGH 3
minutes; let stand 5 minutes before serving.