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I sat at willard last nite and watched small schools of wipers feeding on these small 1/2 inch fish (I am thinking they were shad).I threw everything I had from 1 inch Rapalas to curly tails to small jigs and not even 1 little bump,follow,bite,nothing.My question is how long before these little fish get to be about an inch or so long????
You could tell when the wipers were around the little fish would start jumping out of the water,,it looked like you threw a handfull of gravel in the water and then you would see the wipers hit the surface.
what part of willard were you fishing??
Thats great news woodpile,Did you notice any birds diving in the water after them also.I have to guess you where on the shore right,Can you let use know where you were fishing.
Thanks for any info.
went back out tonite and not much going on,,,no birds and I was by the south west corner,,
Last year, that happend to me as well. However, I had with me several small fly fishing rainbow trout and dace streamers (minnow imitations) of about the same size as the little fish(you can get them in almost any good fly shop). The streamer only needs to be "kind of" shad coloured to work in a boil like that. I think I caught about 20 wipers that day.
I've done very well with small KastMasters in that exact situation. Cast to the outside edge of the boil though or your lure tends to get lost in with the school of minnows and often gets overlooked by the wipers.
d-mack is right, get your self a few differant size Kastmasters, they're heavy and they cast far on spinning reels. later chuck