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I recently got a new scanner, and so lately I've been scanning some old photos that were taken with a regular camera. It's fun to think back and reminisce about old fishing trips and the days when I was free enough to go fishing 5 days a week all summer long!

So anyway, here's another one. This one is from 1997. My little brother, dad and I went to the Provo in late summer with a jar full of small live grasshoppers and tossed them into the deeper holes in the lower provo river in Provo Canyon (bait allowed stretch). My bro. came out with a nice 18" brown, then out of the same hole I pulled this nice 3 lb. fat rainbow. That was a fun trip. Creating memories with family is what fishing is all about.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11112;]
[cool]Thanks for sharing, cat_man. Grasshoppers are definitely my favorite slime rocket bait to use (where bait is allowed, that is) on rivers and creeks. You usually can't beat them during July, August and early Sept. (before it freezes and knocks them all down). I look forward to using grasshoppers in Cottonwood Creek in Fairview Canyon in a couple of weeks, but SSSSHHHHHH!! Let's not tell anybody about our secret, o.k.?[Wink]
Ya don't tell anyone that they're dynamite on Hobble Creek as well, and if the cicadas are out, they work good too, but don't let the secret out about that either! shhhhhh![cool]