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I was fishing the East Fork Blacks Fork river on the north slope of the Uintas this weekend and caught what looked like whitefish. I've caught plenty of whitefish in lakes and big, slow moving rivers, but have not even heard of catching whitefish in a small,fast moving mountain river at 9500'. The only difference I noted between these fish and other whitefish I have caught were these had a lightly spotted dorsal fin and back. I was just kind of wondering if this was unusual.

Sounds normal to me. We have a cabin on the East Fork of the Bear and I catch them all the time. I don't like to keep the wild fish trout that you find in the river, but I'll eat a whitefish now and then. They're tasty little buggers...even if they won't win a beauty contest.
Mountain whitefish are not uncommon in the Blacks Fork river, it is one of the only north slope waters that have a population of them that I know of and have caught them on. Anyway, I have caught them on many occasions there. They tend to live in the same habitats as trout and they like fast moving water. The dorsal fin is usually just a shaded color, but there could easily be that genetic variation of spots on the individual level - However, it's not something I have noticed with those I have caught up there..
Thanks for the info. I won't be so suprised next time. I just bought a cabin up that way last fall and am still learning the area, and evidently the species!
I would be surprised if there is a drainage in northern Utah that doesn't have whitefish in it somewhere...if not in every water. They're one of the few natural species in the state. I've even caught them in American Fork Creek and my buddy claims to have caught one in Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Are you sure it wasn't a grayling? They have spotted dorsal fins and backs and look quite a bit like a whitefish. They can also find their way into some streams or rivers from the lakes in the Uintahs.
I've never actually caught a grayling, but judging from the pictures it is not a match. When I first pulled it out of the water that thought crossed my mind, but the mouths on these were the give-away. Pretty unique.
hey longhotsummers,

How is the east fork running? That river is the river I learned to throw the fly on, so it is very dear to me. Don't be surprised that about the whities, sometimes you'll go six whitefish to each trout you catch on that section. How are the cutthroats lookin' this year?
I have some propery up there too, selling it this year though in case anyone is interested. If you target those whities you can catch a ton of them. A few years ago on the east fk. of Blacks my Father-in-law and I caught 80 of them a piece in a section that was 50 yards long, it was unreal. A sparkle caddis nymph or rock rollers work really well. Keep your wyes open for bear this year up there, a couple have been spotted this year.
Still running high, as high as it was almost a month ago. The cuts are mostly hanging in the little tributaries, but they are certainly healthy. I'll probably go there again this weekend, my poor pickup is not liking that 40 mile round trip drive on N. Slope road though. It has a few extra squeeks.
Thanks for the info. I thought it looked like good bear country.
I sent you an email on the property.
