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I took my two girls up to Strawberry yesterday to escape the heat a bit and catch some mudbugs. We found a spot on the Soldier creek side and filled a 5gal bucket 3/4 full in about 3 hrs. I have a trap but we caught 10 'dads with a chicken leg and a net for every 1 that went to the trap. The meat hadnt been in the water 2 minutes before we started haulin em in. The kids had a good time. My oldest only got pinched once and that was at the fish cleaning station.
We got them home, called some friends and had our feast.
Alot of work for a little meat but they sure are tasty covered in garlic butter!
3/4 a bucket can sure be a lot of work! But them little dudes are might tasty. Po mans lobster!
[cool]Nice job, FlyingFish! Glad you guys were able to get into 'em! I'm gonna be at the 'berry on Saturday a.m. in my tube, and I'll have two traps set up (can't afford to have 5 yet) while I'm out there catching the troutski's. If I was on shore, I'd get my dad in law's little nets like you are talking about. I forgot how well that way works (in addition to also having traps set out). Again, congrats, and I'm jealous of your awesome mudbug feast!
Traps are easy to make, Just take a 12" roll of hardware wire, cut off about 3' 6", roll that into a tube and use plactic ties to secure. Over lap the joint about 2". CUt a 18"' strip and from it cut 2 circles that will fit on the ends of your trap. Last, use the remaining 18' strip to make another tube. Cut out a hole in the large tube (there should be enough for 2 small tubes) and put the small tubes 1/2 way in then secure them.
Fasten one end of the big tube securely and use 3 ties in a row to make a hinge to attach the other end. Use rubber bands, 3 of them to complete securing the door end, I use paper clips for hooks to hook the bands tight.

I hook the rope to the door end, put a peice of chicken in the other end and throw it out. You should get 5 from a 25' roll of material.

I always catch more with just a piece of chicken on a string than I do with traps. Traps should soak overnight to really work.
Last yaer right near the ramp we filled a 5 gal bucket with 2 netters and 8 chicken strings. You just watched the white chicken on bottom and when it disapeared from sight you knew it was covered with 12 to 18 dads.