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Full Version: Deer Creek my first bass
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We got a late start didn't start fishing until around 8:30 stayed until about 9:30 then the skeeters started to attack. We fished from shore by the island. Between the three of us we tried jigs, gitzits, spinners and crank baits. We only caught one, it was small maybe 10" but it was my first bass ever. Caught it on a perch pattern spoon I had several other followers but only the one taker. Can't wait tell next time hopefully we all will catch some and maybe some bigger ones.

Around 9:00 the fish started hitting the surface I wish I had some top water lures I think we could have gotten a few more.
I remember my first bass at DC -

This was a few years back - I had just moved here from Montana and considered myself the best stream worm fisherman in Western Montana - I had a little 5'6" ugly stick (one-piece) and a penn spinning reel loaded with Stren 6 pound. I could cast a mile.

Started fishing the train-track side, up from the Dam. I had been skunk about 2 outings and was considering heading back to the streams.

I arrived one morning pretty early and started fishing just up from the Dam at the buoy line. I had a 3/8th black jig head with a 4" green worm with copper flecks and decided to cast straight out as far as I could and just let it sink. It must have gone down to 60' or better.

I felt it hit the bottom and started to take up the slack and hadn't turned my reel a few cranks when I felt the hit. I did the rip-lip routine and fish on...

The small mouth was about a 12" incher that just put up a fantastic fight. It was great.

It makes me carry a lot of tails that have the copper flecks

Great Fishing Memory for me...