Fishing Forum

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I was looking for a message board about fishing in mississippi but this is the 1st 1 that popped up,i tried others and found nothing.Anyway,im kinda new to fishing but i like fishin for catfish.Can somebody tell me the name of the food that people with ponds and stuff throw out and the catfish go crazy and start floppin around in water and stuff?
[center][cool][/center][center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Hi there Duff25 and welcome to the BFT. We have all the states listed further down the list of boards.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Click this link for a quick trip to old Miss.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][url ""][font "Poor Richard"][#000000][size 4][/size][/#000000][/font][/url][font "Poor Richard"][#000000][size 4];[/size][/#000000][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Commerical catfish farms feed their stock pellets of various flavors. One can actually buy these pellets at Petco or similar pet outlets. Planning on doing some chumming?[/size][/green][/font][/center]
Yea.And the cheap stuff from walmart hasnt worked yet.Any tips or better chum out there?
Hello Duff,
I talked to angler about a year ago that said he used to bring in really big cats by dumping a bag of dog food in the spot that he would be fishing the following day. He would go back the next day and fish it. He said he used to bring in a lot of cats.

I've never done it, but it seems to me it would work. You probably want to check your local regulations before doing it to make sure it is o.k. to do in your area.

Another catfish tip I have heard but never tried that works great for the folks who can do it legally is using gold fish for bait. Again check your reg's because its not legally in a lot of states.

Good Luck and let us know how you do.
Ok.Anybody know a site i can check regulations and stuff. I bought a lil bag of dog food but its not the right kind i dont think.Gonna check a seed store and pet place,also saw some pellets for pond fish at walmart but i dont think its that good.The lake we like is horseshoe lake in tchula,ms. It's not real popular but is the best catfishing me or my brother has ever done,they tear anything up u throw out there... I'm a lil Confused on the chumming and dog food though.Do i throw it out and tightline off bottom or throw a cork out too? I'm guessing both... I'm gonna try and rig up some chicken liver tomorrow,i have seen many different ways to make it stay on hook,but mostly i see add garlic salt and somethin else and sit in sun but i have no idea how much salt to use and do i poor em in big bowl and mix like that or try and mix in the lil tub it comes in? Also we have cats outside,should i put em on roof or in the hot garage with no sun? Thanks.
you are going to kick me for this, but the answer to your primary question is fish pellets, you can get them from a number of hatcheries in 25 - 50 pound bag.

note they only behave that way because they are fed at the same time and in the same predicted manor on the fishes part. you will see similar situations in a fish tank if you feed them at the same time and the fish can even be tricked in to their feeding patterns by splashing the top of the water with your finger.... (end results is a semi-domesticated fish)

a package of cheep hot dogs cut up will acheive the same thing.

any bulk food store sells packages of a hundred dogs for 10 - 12 bucks. you can spend that much on a couple boxes of worms and minnows....

you can use hotdogs for bait as well just use long shank jig heads or long shank hooks. even a dead minnow for bait in the middle of them winners will catch you a kitty fish...

good luck and be sure to let me know how you do on your adventures
you are correct that the pellets from wall mart are not the right pellets. those pellets are formulated for carp, (gold fish)

in pond situations the fish like I said before are traind to eat those pellets. the fish farm pellets wont make the catfish go in to a feeding frenzy...

if you want to draw the cat fish in fast you want to use fresh chicken or beef liver. (real cheep at the grocery shop) you can freeze it till you are ready to use it. In my case I have keep a large amount of the stuff in the freezer, I like to fry it up so if I get the urge to go a cat fishing I have to have a lot on hand [cool]

the draw back is you may draw in an ocational turtle....

but with eather hot dog or liver they are chum all by its self even if you dont prime the area with it. the juices will seep in to the lake and river currents and the fish will follow the sent if they are hungry...
Well no fish came to top and hit the pellets i got from the feed store, 50 lb bag. But i caught 20 or so with a cork towards banks with worms and 7 or 10 bream and we got few off trout line and 1 or 2 off jugs,my friend was bass fishin a bit so he didnt catch but a cpl late in day.We didnt fish off bottom but a few minutes then decided to test out a few holes so we coulda caught alot more and alot bigger off the bottom,maybe next time,also need a better motor,it sucks... We had some big ones hit the jugs and take a liter,milk jug and a protein jug under water and they didnt get hooked! We were pissed,junk ass hooks i guess.I think they had to be a good size to take em under but we will get em another time. We got there a lil late so there were 15 trucks there goin in for a bass tourney i think,so we had to put in a mile down the road and lil trollin motor wouldnt get us up that way,so we woulda tore em up,i guess we just had a bad day.But big fish were jumpin everywhere in the morning and some afternoon,im guessin they are big bass cause catfish dont do that do they? The lake is loaded i believe and should be on the mississippi fishing site but its not.Its 13 miles long i think but ive never not caught fish or anybody i know,its cool... Any hooks yall recommend for jugs and trout lines?
owner hooks 1/0 and larger or octopus hooks same size.

treble hooks works nice but are hard to get out of a kitties mouth...
Never heard of either of those.There are only a cpl different name brands at the stores here. We were thinkin treble hooks or a cpl eagle claw lazer sharp 1 and 2's and a cpl 4 or 5's ? Aren't the lil 1's hard to get out mouth too? Also would yall recommend putting a small amount of bait on hook or medium and big? I caught all the cats closer to shore on a lil bream hook with half a worm or less... Next time i'm gonna tightline a worm in a cpl of the trees that have an opening in em,i caught 1 on cork as soon as i threw it in 1 and the other we pulled up to i could hear em gruntin and stuff down there... [cool]
I too use the breem size hooks for smaller breeds of cat fish like the yellow brown and black bullheads that reach 2-3 pounds but when it comes to larger cats running 10-20-30 pounds bigger hooks are the only way to go.

you can see the hooks I mentioned if you click on the cabela's banners at the top of this page and type in owner hooks or octopus hooks.

as to baiting for the larger cats, load up the hook as much as you can.

for the smaller breeds you can get away with threding on an earth worm just enuff to cover the hook will sufice...
I got a few owner hooks today. We went fishing at the spillway at the reservoir and didnt catch nothin cause its too low and all the big ones are at the dam and i dont have a 20 foot rod like them to throw over there.In a cpl hours i saw them catch a few 20 plus pounders and 1 was probly 35 or more.They say those are the small ones out there...I need 1 them big rods...
with out a doubt a good rod and reel is a must when targeting 30 pound clas cats... or any thing 30 pounds for that matter.

when I was a kid I used to take my zebco 202 out every other day after carp ranging from 5-30 pounds.... surprizingly enuff it held up a good number of times. but for the long haul I wore out a few of them... seems they are only good for 20-30 realy big fish....

when you get a rod and reel set up let us know what you got and how it works for you...
I have a decent rod that can get it there from that good corner spot i think,but if i had 50 lb. spiderwire or something could i maybe catch 1 of em or would it break? Worth a try i guess, if it dont work could i get by with a big ugly stik with good reel and gears or get 1 of the 15-20 plus footers, which i cant afford at the moment...