Fishing Forum

Full Version: report for sat july 23-05
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well today was a day for bass like I have never seen.

I must have cought 150 larg mouth bass in 6 hours. nothing under 14 inches and ranged up to 20 inches and wouldnt ya know it I forgot the camera....

I was using google eye form megabait that can be found on extreem lures .com (spelling may not be correct) if you are intrested I will get it for you...

no gills not another species only Largemouth Bass.
I released 100% of all my catches unharmed and healthy.
bassass would have loved a day like yours !!!
my bass , only two that i kept this year , the rest were all just under .
the weather must be just too danged hot for the walleyes , i haven't had one in a few weeks .
i did get a dandy rockbass saturday , i'll post the pic soon . 9" but the thing had girth ! i thought it was a lmb at first .
here's that lil' rockbass that put up a great fight .
he's a might fine specimin, in another year he should make master angler... looks like he has some girth.....
He'll get the chance to make that record , I put him back in .I'de like to het a hook into that 14"rockbass below chapel dam , He'de end up on the wall for sure !!!