07-26-2005, 03:20 AM
well the smallies are hitting the most on the tobacco river , followed by gills and crappie .
the cedar is giving up it's share of smallies , gills and suckers .
trout fishing has been dificult due to the warmer weather and the pesky deerflys .
pike and walleyes have hit the deep spots in the lakes , you can hit the shelf areas for hours at a time and not get a hit .
even with the heavy downpour we recived last sunday , water levels are below normal . this makes bass fishing about your best bet for a sucessful fishing trip .
right now is as good as it gets for the common mushrooms as well as for some of the harder to find kinds , giant puffballs or "bread mushrooms" are easy to find .
berrys are everywhere , rasburrys , blueberrys , huckelberrys , blackberrys and mullberrys . i even found some wild strawberrys , each no bigger than a pea .
wild gensing and mint can be found all over the state lands at this time of year , harvest some for an interesting addition to your meal or save some for the winter for "teas".
kings have started to enter the rivers on the west side of the state , only a few right now , but i think we will have a repeat of last years early run .
now for the "piss me off" part of my report , what is up with the D.N.R. and the fall turkey hunting ?
did you get a look at the fall hunting or as i saw it , lack of hunting areas for us here in the north ?
somehow , the d.n.r. thinks that if i were to go down to daves area to hunt i would be better off . oakland county must be over run with the big birds while the 50 or 80 that roam thru my back yard must be the only ones left in the upper lower .
looks like we got another "never been out in the outdoors citidiot" running the dnr, again .
granny gramcracker (our governess) wants to impliment some more new taxes , how about another thirty cents added to the price to each ticket when you take your family to the movies ?
what does that prude have against family and especially , OUR KIDS ?
I think deportation is in order here guys , let's put her and her canadian trash exports back on the bus and ship them to where they belong . michigan dosen't need this kind of stuff dumped here . canada made them both , let them live with em'
the cedar is giving up it's share of smallies , gills and suckers .
trout fishing has been dificult due to the warmer weather and the pesky deerflys .
pike and walleyes have hit the deep spots in the lakes , you can hit the shelf areas for hours at a time and not get a hit .
even with the heavy downpour we recived last sunday , water levels are below normal . this makes bass fishing about your best bet for a sucessful fishing trip .
right now is as good as it gets for the common mushrooms as well as for some of the harder to find kinds , giant puffballs or "bread mushrooms" are easy to find .
berrys are everywhere , rasburrys , blueberrys , huckelberrys , blackberrys and mullberrys . i even found some wild strawberrys , each no bigger than a pea .
wild gensing and mint can be found all over the state lands at this time of year , harvest some for an interesting addition to your meal or save some for the winter for "teas".
kings have started to enter the rivers on the west side of the state , only a few right now , but i think we will have a repeat of last years early run .
now for the "piss me off" part of my report , what is up with the D.N.R. and the fall turkey hunting ?
did you get a look at the fall hunting or as i saw it , lack of hunting areas for us here in the north ?
somehow , the d.n.r. thinks that if i were to go down to daves area to hunt i would be better off . oakland county must be over run with the big birds while the 50 or 80 that roam thru my back yard must be the only ones left in the upper lower .
looks like we got another "never been out in the outdoors citidiot" running the dnr, again .
granny gramcracker (our governess) wants to impliment some more new taxes , how about another thirty cents added to the price to each ticket when you take your family to the movies ?
what does that prude have against family and especially , OUR KIDS ?
I think deportation is in order here guys , let's put her and her canadian trash exports back on the bus and ship them to where they belong . michigan dosen't need this kind of stuff dumped here . canada made them both , let them live with em'