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Please forgive me if someone else has posted this pattern. If someone has, please contact me and I will gladly give credit.

[size 1]Thread: 6/0 tan
Hook: Size 16 wetfly
Tail: Brown hen hackle, 5-10 stands
AbodmenBig Grinirty yellow fur dubbing wrapped with fine gold wire
Underbody: Lead wire (optional)
Wingcase: Mottled Turkey Tail
Throax: Tan sparkle dubbing
Head: Red bead (or gold)

Put the bead on the hook and put in the vice (I found both red and gold worked best, but the red bead produced the largest browns). Start the thread mid hook and wind to the tail. Wrap 6-8 turns of lead wire and push into the back of the bead. (this adds weight and fixes the bead to the front of the hook). Wrap the thread over the lead to the head and back to the tail. This prevents the lead from spinning. Pull the fibers from the hen and tie in. The tails should extend from the hook one hooks length. Trim tails and tie in gold wire. Dub the dirty yellow dubbing tightly (this is important, it must be tight. Tapper it to the mid point of the hook. When I dubbed it loose with fibers sticking out, I did not get one hit.) Wrap to the mid point. Counter wrap the wire over the body and tie off. Cut a piece of the turkey feather 1 1/2 times the thickenss of the abodmen. Tie it off securely. Next, dub the tan sparkle dubbing a bit looser and wrap to just behind the bead. Pull the turkey feather over the tan dubbing and secure. Tie off, whip finish and fish.

If you try this in other areas and it work, please let me know.[/size]