I hit deer creek again today I ended up with 2 small bass, one caught on a spoon and the other on salmon eggs. I was actually trying for some trout but I'll take em. Anyhow I decided to target the bass and threw on a white/silver senko, I tried drop shot and whacky. I didn't get anything after this, I'm thinking the senkos I am using are too big they are 5". So I would like to know what size, color, and how you rig them.
The smallies at Deer Creek seem to favor the more natural colors like crayfish/motor oil, watermelon/pumpkinseed colors. either dropshot/wacky or just plain wacky-rigged. Also don't afraid to sweeten your offering with a piece of nightcrawler when you're fishing with grubs, spoons, and spinners. I've been outfished numerous times with people by me using plain hooks and a chunk of nightcrawler. This one time I was at Wallsburg shorefishin', a couple of guys settled down by me chunking dual plain hooks, dropshot style, tipped with nightcrawlers. Caught smallies and trout for the next 20 minutes then it was time for me to head home. You could also try spinnerbaits and crankbaits in natural colors. You could PM UTBass if you need more information.
I've done very well at Deer Creek with smoke sparkle 4" senkos near the island. Even the little dink smallies will get hooked up on it, and a couple nice bucketmouths too. Maybe he was fishing at the wrong time or in the wrong location.
That being said, I have caught TONS of small to medium sized smallies on a simple 1 inch piece of worm dropped below a bobber alongthe rocky shoreline in the morning until about 10:00 am. Never caught a big one that way though.
My kids were fishing with a worm and bobber but didn't have any luck. We were fishing around Rainbow Bay. I will have to try around the island again next time.
Now that the lake has water in it again. You may want to try the pull out before you get to Dock of the Bay. Can be real snaggy with all the rip rap that is there. But I have been doing OK in the mornings on the way to work. Nightcrawlers are the way to go, at least for me. BTW nothing big so far but one can hope.