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OK, it's late - or early, depending on your perspective. I am attempting to try and head out to fish(inspite of the weather) - I've had a couple of weeks of family visits from out of town(with little to not enough fishing). During which, a few conversations occured that brought up memories and war stories - it was fun fodder for thought, so I thought I would share the opportunity to Smile or laugh with all of you folks.

Pick one - any one, or as many as you like, or dare - but don't devulge any secrets.

In your fishing experience in Utah(ONLY), do you recall, and can you tell us ... (remember - it's for fun - besides that, if you're like me, and have fished enough in your life, there is no need to lie - it most likely has really happened to you).

1. What is the largest fish you've caught ?

2. What is the largest number of fish you've caught on one outing ?

3. What specie of fish have you caught the most of ?

4. What is the most memorable fish you've caught ?

5. What is the worst skunk you've ever suffered ?

6. What was your most "surprising" catch ever ?

7. What was the most work you've ever had to do, just to go fishing on one occasion ?

(These last three could be the same thing - but, not neccessarily)

8. What is the funniest thing you've experienced while fishing ?

9. What is the stupidest thing you've experienced while fishing ?

10. What is the weirdest thing you've experienced while fishing ?

OK, let's hear it - don't spare the bandwidth - be verbose - if you're an angler, you already know how to tell a story.
Item #10.

About 30 or so yrs. ago I was fishing out of Charlies Trout Creek camp on Strawberry in a little canoe like boat I'd built. I had a neighbor kid with me. Anyway, we were bait fishing & I kept thinking I had a bite but when I'd pick the rod up & start reeling - nothing? I finally decided to pull in & check my bait. Well, I had hooked a piece of line. While unhooking it, it pulled. I told the kid with me I've got a fish on this line & he laughed. I pulled in about a 14" rainbow. I told Scott, the kids name, "I'll bet there's a pole on the other end of this line" & he really cracked up at that. I pulled it up & sure enough, here's a Conolon rod with one of those green Johnson closed face reels on it. It also had a clear bubble full of water & a bunch of BB's in it. The rig was still in perfect shape.

We quit about an hour later & when we were tieing up to the dock, one of Charlies rental boats was tieing up just across from us. We got to about the day & I commented that we hadn't done too bad & I'd even caught a pole & fish at the same time. One old fellow asked where I'd caught it & I pointed out the area. He brightened up & asked "Did it have a green reel on it"? When I said "yes" he described the thing to a "T". Said he'd been dozing & when the fish took it, outta the boat it went. Boy he was tickled to get it back.

I've often wondered what the odds of something like that happening would be? Gotta be something like a bazillion to one.
Here goes:

1. 28 lb mack
2. 64 at bear lake 5 years ago
3. trout
4. see #1
5. twice at bear lake recently
6. sea gull
7. went fishing in december on Bear Lake snowed 18" the night before. Had to chain up the truck to launch. The boat slid off the trailer and onto the ramp, had to have 4 people push the boat in sidways. Got to the rock pile started fishing caught 1 small cut the wind came up and had to fight 5 foot waves all the way back to the marina.
8. My dad jerked a cut out of the water and it slapped him in the head. ( you had to of been there)
9. Got almost to the east side of bear lake when I had my 16 foot aluminum boat and realized I forgot the trolling motor.
10. My friend was realing in a small cutthroat and it was almost to the boat when a 15 lb + mack hit at it and splashed us both with water.
#4 Me my dad and his friend were fishing berch creek resevoir about 14 years ago. we were fishing with power bait an dad and his friend were catching fish after fish. I finally got frustrated(as kids do) and didnt touch my pole for at least 2hrs when my dad said to pack it up. When I started to reel I realized I had a fish on turned out to be about a 3# rainbow my biggest at the time.
#9 Me and a friend were fishing the Ogden behind 21st Pond when I got a snag in a tree across the river from me so I handed my pole to my friend and asked him to hold it while I went across and unhooked my lure. Just about the time I was getting to the tree my freind decide to give it one last yank when much to my surprise it came free and went right threw my upper lip.Ouch!!!!!!!!