[#000099]Went to the ctfishermans event on Mansfield Holoow. We took 10th place out of 16 boats. Our fist event and it was enjoyable with a cookout after the weight in. Winner got most of his on a rattletrap.{ the one thing we didn't try} May do this tournament thing again.[/#000099]
heres some pics
Thanks for the pics Tom, and it was good to see you and Cindy again. Should have used a rattle trap. Maybe next time. [url "http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm801BNUS"]
![[Image: 4_13_2.gif]](http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_13_2.gif)
[url "http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZNzeb054_ZNxdm801BNUS"]
![[Image: sig.jsp?pc=ZNzeb054&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS]](http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZNzeb054&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS)
Hi Tom And Cindy,
It was great finally meeting you. I had a good time. Thank you for the pictures. Also thank you for not charging me $6.00 bucks to visit with you.
Went to Gorton Pond in East Lyme today. Landed a 21" LM @ 5.47 lbs. Felt bigger but it was digging deep and dragging weeds. I'll send off some pictures on Monday.
Again it was great meeting you and Cindy.
May God Bless, Bob
hi bob,nice meeting you too,and no we dont charge 6.00 to meet anyone,lol.i haven't fished groton pond in years,glad to see it still has some big fish in it.another good lake is pattagansette lake in e.lyme,last time i fished it it had a wide range of sizes from 6 inched to 20 + inches, it has been awhile since i have been there so i dont know what in there now,take care