Thanks to all those who helped me with the info on the tigers it worked I caught my first ever tigermuskie (34") forgot camera or I would have attached photo also caught a few smallies all in all not a bad day. On the water by 6am off at 10am. I was soposed to go yesterday but got called in to work. Thanks again to you who helped. (J-11 perch)
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Good report Magic,[/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]I understand you didn't even put it in the boat. Very good. With fishermen like you, more people will have more opertunities to enjoy them tiger musky.[/black][/font][/size]
Congratulations of the muskie. I like the way you handled it, boat side immediate release. Don't mind helping people out who will treat them right. Again congratulations.
Nice report! It sure is fun to catch your first Tiger. I caught my first two Tigers a couple weeks ago with scottieb. Caught 2 within about 10 minutes of each other in the same general area. I think it was a lucky area and a little beginner's luck. [

] Ever since then, I've been dreaming about the next time I'll be able to get out and try my luck on the good old Tiger Muskie. It sure is addictive! [

We have a theme goin' here. I took my boys Saturday and caught my first as well. I thought I had hooked into a big smallie, but when he jumped I realized I had hooked my first tiger. 24" on a Maniac Reaper in about 6' of water. Can't wait to go back this week.
Is tailing the tigers at the side of the boat the best way to handle or is there a better way?