Fishing Forum

Full Version: flaming gorge 7/28 to 8/1
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well we went up to the gorge for a few days. we werent planning on going until the second week in august. my dads b-day was the 28th and he wanted to go up and do some trolling. so, we went up on a spur of the moment. lots of fun! we're still planning on spending a few days before the bow hunt. should be good.

fishing wasnt super fast, but it was pretty darn good. some of the kokes were turning. (hook jaws and a little red in spots). we caught around 25 fish per day between 4 of us. we caught a lot more lakers than i thought we would. (from 12-19") the biggest kokes went 20". not huge, but what a fight!

we did most of our fishing pretty early in the morning. (from 5:30-11) it really turned off for us when the temps got hot. saturday and sunday evening were windy and had thunder and lightning. nothing real close- but we dont fool around with lightning...we missed two evenings of fishing. all well, mornings are best anyways.

we trolled anvil, stateline, pipeline, and linwood. anvil had an armada of boats on sunday morning. it was really getting hammered, but fishing was pretty good. didnt get many kokes at stateline or linwood- mostly lakers. pipleline was okay for kokes.

good rigs for kokes included cowbells and wedding rings, shasta sling blades and kokanuts (or humdingers). got some lakers on squids, but they also took our wedding rings pretty regularly.

my little brothers went down the green on saturday morning and monday morning. they did pretty well catching about 20 a piece per day. i cant wait to see the pics. they took there pontoon boats down and dry fly fished.

ill have to check some of the back posts and see if anyone else has been hitting the gorge. i cant wait to get back up there!
Thanks for the report. I'm looking forward to my next run to FG.