08-05-2005, 03:50 AM
08-05-2005, 09:31 AM
Modified always worked good for me.
08-05-2005, 03:21 PM
Gotta agree with gdn443. Modified is a good choice.
08-05-2005, 09:45 PM
OK thanks for the info. I have to look at my chokes that came with my shotgun and see which one it is.
08-05-2005, 10:03 PM
The biggest favor you can do for yourself is practice. You might find that you shoot one of the other chokes better. Try doing some trap shooting. You can get a case of em (100) at sportsmans for $10. If you tend to get on your target a little late, then you may want a tighter choke pattern, however if you're quick on the target a more open pattern will be better and probably keep you from destroying the bird. Good luck and let us know how ya do..
08-05-2005, 10:10 PM
I have been doing some trap shooting.I bought some cases from walmart for about $4.00 for 100. Kinda hard hitting them at the beggining but i am getting better .
08-06-2005, 09:02 AM
Bearclaw is right about practicing. If you think it's a challenge to hit a clay? Wait till a bird explodes next to you!
08-08-2005, 07:21 PM
Yea! If you don't piss your pants or have a heart attack when the pheasant jumps out from under you, you have a decent chance if you've practiced a lot. [cool][

08-14-2005, 01:50 AM
Ok i have been shooting for about a week now and got the hang of it. I bought a skeet thrower at wally world and man is that thing awesome!Now sam and lisa dont have to throw them. [
] But when the bird gets shot is there gonna be anything left of him? Is there a specific kind of shotgun shell you have to use?

08-14-2005, 02:29 PM
For pheasant I use 6 shot in my 12 gauge pump. Same for grouse. For duck you need something more penetrating like 4 shot. Depending on how close a shot you get, you'll be picking lots of BBs out of the meat or just make a clean kill. If you're good enough, you can aim for the head. For me, I just try and hit the thing since it's like a rocket going through the air.
08-15-2005, 03:52 PM
Here is a little different angle on the proper choke for hunting pheasant. I have hunted pheasants for almost 40 years and I usually use 4 shot and a full choke. The reason for this is I feel confident with my gun and I don't shoot the birds at close range. The bigger pellets have better penetration and the birds aren't very shot up. The other reason is after the hunt has been on for a while the birds get wild and you aren't always offered a nice close shot.
I have used both 5 and 6 shot in the past but I certanly have more faith in making good clean kills using 4 shot and a full choke.
If you are just starting out let me make a couple of suggestions. Try to hunt with someone that is experienced and has a quality dog.
Pheasants can be a challenge and losing cripples is frustrating.
If want some good practice I would start with doves and then chukars. This will give you a good feel for wing shooting and you will be better prepared for pheasants when november rolls around. Just my opinion. G. shorthair
I have used both 5 and 6 shot in the past but I certanly have more faith in making good clean kills using 4 shot and a full choke.
If you are just starting out let me make a couple of suggestions. Try to hunt with someone that is experienced and has a quality dog.
Pheasants can be a challenge and losing cripples is frustrating.
If want some good practice I would start with doves and then chukars. This will give you a good feel for wing shooting and you will be better prepared for pheasants when november rolls around. Just my opinion. G. shorthair
08-15-2005, 04:02 PM
Grouse is another one that is excellent for beginners. You can usually get them at very close range, and they are plentiful all along the wasatch front and around Strawberry. There is TONS of public land to hunt them on, as opposed to Pheasants where you'll be very lucky to find any good public land to hunt pheasants, and if you do it will be crowded combat hunting. I love to hunt grouse because you can get out into the mountains and take beautiful hikes in solitude and not see anyone else all day long and still get a 4 bird limit of tasty birdies, and a great hike.
08-17-2005, 01:17 AM
I say we get together a BFT Utah dove/pheasant/grouse/chukar/duck/goose/anything that flies shoot this year. I am always looking for hunting buddies and to learn new tricks and improve my skills. This will even be my first year going for sage grouse. A couple more weeks and the fishing pole might just take a back seat to the shotgun.
08-17-2005, 07:12 PM
Great idea OEJ! We could start out by having clay pigeon shoot. I've got access to a thrower. I think the clays are only 10 bucks per case. This way we could all meet each other and decide on some actual bird hunts. I've only hunted Pheasants here in Utah so I could use a lesson or two on those other game birds.
08-17-2005, 09:46 PM
That would be awesome ! It be nice for the beginners to get some help from the experts.Walmart sells some clay for $3.87 for 90 pcs.
09-07-2005, 06:40 PM
The get together would be a great idea. I'm new to the wasatch front and have no idea where to hunt pheasants. The grouse I can figure out, but I don't have any idea where there is any public access for pheasants. I'm down with a little trap shooting as well.
As for the shotgun question. I uses 4 shot with a full choke as well. Seems to help with runners that jump up down field a ways. If you shoot one too close it doesn't seem to matter what you use you still bust them up pretty bad.
As for the shotgun question. I uses 4 shot with a full choke as well. Seems to help with runners that jump up down field a ways. If you shoot one too close it doesn't seem to matter what you use you still bust them up pretty bad.
09-09-2005, 03:57 AM
So lets get this going. I have a thrower and about 10 cases of clays. When is a good time for everyone and where? I am open to anywhere along the SLC/Ogden/Provo front. I can tell you thogh, Sunday and next weekend are bad for me, I am heading after the grouse. In fact, if anyone wants to tag along Sunday drop me a PM. It will be a early morining return early afternoon trip.
09-10-2005, 04:13 AM
Ocean, did you get your small game license yet? If so we should get out and tune up for the bird seasons. Heck half of them are already hear and the big opener for waterfowl is in 21 days! Pheasants are soon after that.
09-10-2005, 04:15 AM
Hey i wont mind taging along with you just for the experience of seeing how its done. . Hey i am up for some practice shooting too.I have weekends open unless i do some overtime.I also get off work at 3pm.
10-03-2005, 10:31 PM