Fishing Forum

Full Version: where did the fish go on deer creek??
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Any one have any ideas on where to set up and fish if I only have a few hours from shore??? it seems all the fish have gone into hiding, I killed em over the 4th of july, caught my trout limit in 2 hours...keeping the ones I wanted to.....and played with bass and perch for the rest of the time..keeping none of those. on the was slower than normal. only 2 fish one of which was shorter than the wally diver he hit.....darn bass...silly fishees. then over the last few days of water pounding...nuthin...not even anyone I talk guy caught one fish (trout) at the bridge. another guy reeled up a darn carp...he was surprised a carp would hit a spinner...I told him of the one that nailed my rapala fifteen pounds..but thats another issue. so where in the H**L are all the fish...any suggestions would be great.
Danke Shoen,
Deer Creek fishies seem to work their way south as the water warms. Try the sailboat beach area and along the steep banks towards the dam.

Good luck, D.C. can be tough during summer.
