Fishing Forum

Full Version: Boils,Boils,and more Boils!!!!!
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WOW!!!..I took a spur of the moment overnight trip to powell last friiday night/saturday (5,6).We got on the water 6:00am sat. morning crusied down to the san huan river looking fo boils.Well to say the least it seemed every where we turned there where boils!! They were big and lasted for quit awhile.Between 4 of use we boated 50 stripers in 6 hours of fishing.We counted 25 boils on the way back to bull frog in the main channel and at mouth of canyons and bullfrog bay.The stripers are ON FIRE right now! Please do the shad a favor and go catch some stripers,They need all the help they can get! All fished ranged from 3-5 pounds and a couple of 6,8 pounders.What a short trip!! cant wait to get back for more!!
wow.. well it's about time you finally caught some stripers!!! They are a blast to catch, aren't they? Who knows, maybe one of these days the B&C will let me break away for the weekend to go down with you.
Welcome To BFT BIGNUMBERS!!..Its about time!![Wink][Wink]
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Wow , I would love to get down there one day for some Striper fishing. I am use to fishing for Stripers in the ocean. I am originally from Cape Cod, Mass.[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3] AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]

You need to get down there!! Please help the shad population!!..LOL..Its crazy down there right now!! You would have a TON of fun!! I wish I could get back there this weekend but I have to much going on!![Sad][Wink]