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Full Version: Producers on sale at Sportsmans
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I thought a lot of you on here would be interested in this. A couple of days ago I went into the Provo Sportsmans and they were doing a "clearance" on Producers. There were tons and tons of prizm shad producers sitting in a discount bin. I picked one up (I've never owned any before, since I've never been to Willard, but I thought they'd work good for white bass and smallie/largies too). There were still plenty more but this was a couple of days ago.

They were on clearance for $1.99 each. I don't know what the regular price is, but that sounds like a great deal to me.
They have had them in the bargain bin of the Sportsmans in Riverdale for a year or more. From what I can tell the price is always $1.99 but the Prizm shad have been gone all year in the Riverdale store. I guess I better get down there and see if they have a new shipment but the last I heard the company went out of business, thanks for the info. WH2