08-09-2005, 04:31 PM
HARRISBURG, PA[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 2]—[/size][/font]The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced it has identified the common bacterial agent that's causing skin anomalies in young smallmouth bass at various locations throughout the Susquehanna River watershed and is working to learn more about its impacts.
While making annual collections of young-of-the-year smallmouths during the past several weeks, PFBC biologists observed an unusually high number of bass with skin lesions. At the same time, recreational anglers have been reporting sightings of dead and dying smallmouths in a variety of locations throughout the river system.
While making annual collections of young-of-the-year smallmouths during the past several weeks, PFBC biologists observed an unusually high number of bass with skin lesions. At the same time, recreational anglers have been reporting sightings of dead and dying smallmouths in a variety of locations throughout the river system.