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Full Version: Prize to be found at Willard
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I was talking to one of my good friends yeasterday and he gave me some info on his trip to Willard that morning (8/8). He said he trolled out of the south marina toward the s.w. corner and had not caught a thing. After sitting there for a while he stood up to stretch when he felt a little tap on the leg followed by a bang on the side of the boat. He turned around just in time to see his pole doing a swan dive into the lake. I guess the fishing gods decided they needed a new pole. Needless to say it was time to go home. "Trolled for 4 hours and the only fish that would bite took the whole damn thing" he said.

So if any one happens to hook up with that pole and you decide not to keep it he would like to get it back. It is a pretty nice rod with a level wind reel. If its found send me a pm or an e-mail and I'll let him know where to meet you at.


P.S. Keep your hands on them poles at all times.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]He's not the first to loose a rod in that pond! I've got $180 sitting on the bottom of that lake somewhere too! [/size][/black][/font]
It's stories like these that make me feel better about all of the gear that I've donated to the "fish gods".
If anyone finds my FRS radio out at Willard while they are looking for the fishing pole, let me know! It's on the rocks on the West side somewhere!!!
You know this post reminds me of my uncle He is the type that all you have to do is follow him from lake to lake and you can keep geting new gear everywere you go.
sometimes when I go out fishin out at lake powell or some other lakes I will throw out my huge magnetic always find a few rods lures and other stuff things that have fell overboard
do you troll your magnet????
usually i just drift never tried trolling with it
This makes me think of a memorable fishing trip with my grandfather (well almost any story of woe reminds me of my family). We are on the portneuf river and he has a few too many and he spots a net in a large snag of branches and crap. I am about 6 years old and he has his eyes set on getting that net. I think we almost sunk the damn boat but hey he got a new net. (almost new, slightly used)
About 30 years ago I was fishing Mantua when a bee tried to land on my nose. I took a swat at him and missed. But I did manage to swatt my glasses 50 feet off of the boat into 20 feet of water. I'm so near- sighted that I cant see the end of my nose. Fishing was over for the day and I had to call someone to come and get me so that I wouldn't be a driving hazard. That was back in the days when there was no Lens Crafters. I had no second pair and had to go around blind for about two weeks.