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Full Version: Deer creek is it any good right now?????
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I will be working in the orem area tommorrow and geting off early. Also have permmission to tow the boat with the company ride. Any suggestions would greatly apreciated. I was thinking maybe deer creek but I have never fished there and wouldnt know what use so please help with any suggestions.

Enough with the groveling!! [Wink]. Here is an excerpt from the DWR website:

I fished Deer Creek this morning (Aug. 5th) from about 6 am to 11 am in my float tube. I was using a "split shot rig" with a 3" chartruse power grub, and was actually after Bass. But I lucked into catching 4 Walleyes!! Ive been wanting to learn how to catch Walleyes at Deer Creek for years, and I just "lucked" into some??? I was fishing at the far end of the lake (nearest to Heber) in the willows. I had several bites and landed 4 Walleyes most around 12-14"s. Along with a few small Bass.

Looks like the fish are hanging out in the weeds in the morning. You might want to go a little deeper later in the day, if you can put up with the power squadron, although weekdays may not be that bad. Good luck!!!
Thanks for the little info. I was just hoping to get some of the honest info that I seem to get from everybody on this website. But I will keep his in mind when making my decision at work this morning I really hate fishing on the fly but its still a day on the water.
First off, which species of fish are you after ? Bass, walleye, or trout ? There are things that all of the fish will take, but, you could have better and possibly more consistant results if you target a specific fish. Will you be casting, drifting or trolling ?