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Well i was cutting my lawn while ago and i noticed my neighbor which is the grand old age of 83 had his tackle box and fishing rod on his porch.I assumed the old guy was going fishing in the morning. So i went on my way cutting my lawn, but being a admirer of older fishing gear i pushed the lawnmower a lil closer so i could see his antique rod and reel.I couldnt believe it was completely beaatiyfull.His set up was nothing like i ever had seen before. He must have fished alot in his years i thought.The silver polished reel gleemed and it had a engraved bass in it.A prism of light on the porch reflecting off the antique reel illuminated the area where it layed and the old South bend rod looked very intersting and in very good shape. the cork handle was stained and worn in from battling huge fish. As i looked at this fishing gear and drifting away in my mind., I suddenly was startled by a loud bark of a really pissed off old man peering at me through the window. "Hey get the hell outta my stuff!!! he torted. I wasted no time took right off in a hurry pushing my lawnmowwer and not looking back. Getting to back to the safety of the middle of lawn i yelled back i was just looking at it sorry. The old guy yelled back well ok then and grabbed up his gear in hurry and went back inside. So i finnished my lawn and went in for dinner. After dinner i heard a heavy knock on the door
it was him the grumpy ol fishermen next door. I was hesitant to open the door just from the sound of his voice. Opening the door i was looking into the face of the old man he said "what are you doing just standing there for are you ready to go?
Ready to go? i replied? Ya for christ sakes your not very brite are you? fishing you know. With out thinking i said well sure and continied to say what nice fishing gear he had. he didnt say much but ya i know and hurry up.So i grabbbed my gear and walked over to his house. Standing outside he came out.
Then the words i didnt want to hear came outta his mouth im driveing. And looking at the old Ford truck in his drive way i cringed breakdown city for sure or worse death.As we drove along the country road to his favorite fishin spot i built up the courage to ask umm what are we fishing for? He looked at me and replied Fish!!! To read more about this storey you have to goto my site the link is my profile
Sorry its to long to post here
LOL, great story!! you really can learn alot from those guy,you have to remember that they didnt have all this modern age technology,back then,you see something like that and you cant imagine it working without beeping noise,flashing lights

Yep i agree mc just plain old good fishing reels and quality made at that no doubt in the day.I wish i could take a trip back in time and drop off some of our modern fishing equipment from this day and age,like lures and some graphite constructed rods. Better yet maybe a few uglysticks or the underwater camera systems>>.Imagine if they if they had some of these new baitcasting reels man oh man imagine the fishing advancements today. And imagine their faces[cool]tomc im glad you liked the storey there will be more to come.
I liked the story, its always good to fish with grumpy old men, you learn so much.
thaks for sharing